Calling all IG users…okay so basically calling everyone. Whether you’re a fan of change or not, Instagram has just announced they will begin retiring the swipe-up feature starting August 30. Yes, the beloved swipe-up feature has been around for as long as we can remember but it’s time for something new. Instead of swiping up, which takes away from the creator’s vision, tappable stickers will be used!
Through the use of the new stickers, creators will have more control over the feel of their stories. According to IG, the new feature will “streamline the stories creation experience”; talk about an upgrade!

It’s not like Instagram to rush into anything so it should come as no surprise that they started testing the stickers in June. Their testing found that the stickers were not only a hit because of their look but also because it allowed users to reply to stories with links. Why didn’t we think of this sooner? Instead of replying to a different story or messaging the user separately about the product mentioned in the swipe-up, we’ll be able to respond directly to the story itself.
Although the sticker feature will only be shared with those who had swipe-up privilege, aka creators with at least 10 000 followers, more users may gain access down the road.