Scarborough-born, Justin Wu is making his mark in the film industry–one scene at a time.
The April 2021 digital cover of View the VIBE stars Justin Wu–the rising triple threat Asian-Canadian director, international celebrity photographer and writer who Hollywood has their eyes on.
From a self-taught photographer, to lecturing university courses, travelling the world to shoot A-list celebrities (Selena Gomez, Joaquin Phoenix, and Victoria Beckham, to name a few) and to working with brands such as Dior, Gucci, GQ, Vogue and Sony Music, Wu is pioneering new paths on a global scale.

With humble beginnings, Wu began exploring filmmaking through the progressions of digital cameras and cellphones over the years. Coming a long way to recently celebrating his directorial-debut directing an episode for CBC’s award-winning television series, Kim’s Convenience. Now also hard at work on a documentary of a leading Black Transgender Refugee in Canada, set to debut at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival.
“Alongside [directing] I aim to continue teaching, educating the next generation, amplifying diverse voices, and continue to do meaningful work with the United Nations,” says Wu. While Toronto has always been home for Wu, he pursued his career and adventures in Paris and LA for more than a decade. While abroad, he noticed how quickly Toronto was becoming a multifaceted cultural home. The call to come home was growing strong and stronger for Wu between this excitement and change that was happening in Toronto and tragically losing his father to cancer, “I had an overwhelming desire to give back to my community after this loss and felt called to come home to contribute to Toronto’s voice on the world stage,” says Wu.
“After seeing the incredibly positive response to the View the VIBE POWER 60 list last month, which featured 60 of Toronto’s most inspiringly powerful women,
I knew that we were onto something
Steven Branco, Founder and Creative Director
—and I felt a calling to continue to share inspiring Torontonians,” says Steven Branco, View the VIBE editorial director, and STAMINA Group Inc. creative director and founder. “Sharing Justin Wu’s journey and mission became even more timely after the hate and turmoil that the Asian community in Canada has been unjustly facing… Justin Wu’s immense talents and devotion to helping noble causes with the United Nations made him a very easy choice as a voice to Toronto’s own Asian-Canadian talent.”
What else is next for Justin Wu?
He plans to continue to work with high profile celebrities to help noble causes and mentor other creatives. Despite his more minimalistic and neutral approach to fashion, Wu was very much open to Branco’s styling direction. “My first words to him were literally, that ‘if I’m going to do this, you’re going to need to give me full creative reign!’ Taking inspiration from his love for marine life and cycling, I think Wu’s willingness to accept really paid off and these images really showcase that—and the triple threat that he really is.” says Branco.
For the full digital cover feature, please visit
Editor’s Note: Please see supporting editorial visuals here.
Cover Photo Credit: Justin Wu shot and styled by Steven Branco.
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